When you are facing criminal charges, you are likely stressed and worried about the outcome. You might fear going to jail, losing your job or the many other potential penalties that come with a criminal conviction.
It is natural to turn to family and friends at a difficult time like this, hoping they can provide the support and comfort you need.
Although you are not legally prohibited from discussing your criminal case with family or friends, it might not be the wisest decision. Here are some factors to keep in mind during this time.
Privileged communications
If you have an attorney, anything you say to your attorney about your case is protected by the attorney-client privilege. This means your attorney has a legal duty to keep communications with you private, with certain exceptions. A similar type of privilege exists with spouses.
However, conversations with family members and friends are not protected by this privilege. This means if they are called to testify under oath about communications with you, they may be required to disclose what you told them.
Another reason it is best to avoid conversations with family or friends about your criminal case is because, although they may mean well, your friends and family may cause you to second-guess decisions you made regarding your case.
Chances are some of them will offer their own opinions on what you should have done. This can end up causing you unnecessary stress, which could cloud your judgment and result in making poor decisions.
Finally, when you talk with a family member or friend about your case, there is a chance they will tell someone else about it. Information received secondhand is often inaccurate. Your family member or friend may not have bad intentions, but the information they give could be misinterpreted.
This leads to the potential for rumors and false information about you and your case. Although it might not directly impact the outcome of your case, it is likely to make the entire situation more stressful.