Traffic Stops Are The Major Source Of Drug And DUI Charges
While not necessarily related in a legal sense, drug charges and drunk driving issues are some of the most common cases. It is relatively frequent that a drunk driving stop will end with a search of the car and possession charges. These charges ahead have significant consequences, but you’re not on your own.
At , our attorneys helped clients deal with criminal charges of all kinds from all over Montclair and the New York City metro area. Our team of lawyers has years of experience in confronting difficult charges that come with drunk driving and drug possession. We know you’re under a lot of stress as this situation develops, let us shoulder the burden of it with you.
Compassionate. Thoughtful. Experienced
Our goal is effective, caring criminal defense for you. We will listen to you about the nature and extent of your charges and then educate you on how to move forward. Each of these challenges requires a unique approach:
- DWI charges: While relatively common, there are many areas where police may not have behaved appropriately, leaving significant room for your defense.
- Drug possession: Most possession charges come from traffic stops, which are notorious for a lack of oversight.
The place where these two types of criminal charge are in the police behavior during the arrest. This means a great deal in your case, and you cannot underestimate how much of your future depends on the first interactions with the police.
Get Answers You Need About Drug And DWI Charges
These charges can weigh heavily on your mind, but they don’t have to totally derail your future. The more you know about what is ahead, the better off you will be. While much of what you need to know will depend on your individual situation, here are the answers to some questions we get most often:
Why do traffic stops matter so much?
The traffic stop is where a police officer has the most power. Legally, you must comply. Emotionally, the situation is intimidating. However, the powers of the police are not limitless. They must have probable cause to both test you for drunk driving and search your car.
What can I do if I believe the police are overstepping?
There is not much that you can do at the moment if police overstep their authority. However, if you maintain composure and keep silent, you can speak with an attorney afterward about what happened. You may have ample opportunity to review this situation later with a skilled legal mind who more effectively incorporates this into a legal strategy.
What should I say to the police?
Speaking as little as possible, as politely as possible, is a wise decision. The more you talk, the more the police can use what you say against you, even if what you say is innocuous and unrelated to what’s going on. Silence is your right. It’s a good right to have.
We Are Here To Help
When you’re ready to learn more about your charges and how you can take steps to protect yourself, reach out to us. Our lawyers are here to listen and get started on your defense. Call us at 973-852-3614 or send an email to schedule a free consultation.