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Getting the most out of your New York plea bargain

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2024 | Criminal Defense, Criminal Justice |

After you get through the beginning stages of your criminal case, there’s a good chance that the prosecution is going to offer you a plea deal. One of these agreements can save you the time, stress, and uncertainty of trial, and it might spare you from the harsh penalties initially sought by the State. But is accepting a plea deal really best for you?

How to get the most out of a plea bargain

You shouldn’t just accept the first plea offer. After all, there should be some room for negotiation here. Therefore, to get the most out of a plea deal, you should consider doing the following:

  • Set realistic goals so that you have an attainable outcome to work towards.
  • Conduct a risk-reward analysis where you consider what’s at stake by taking your case to trial in light of the plea deal being offered to you.
  • Have a firm understanding of the facts so that you can clearly articulate them to the prosecution during settlement negotiations.
  • Know the range of penalties that could be implicated in your case.
  • Thoroughly analyze the evidence so that you know your case’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Seek to understand the prosecutor’s purpose in your case, whether that’s to save time and resources by resolving your case or to make an example of you.

Fight for the best possible outcome in your criminal case

The resolution of your criminal case can profoundly impact your life for some time to come. Therefore, you shouldn’t choose a criminal defense strategy until you’ve fully thought through your options and are confident that a particular one is in your best interests.

We know these are stressful times, but you can and will get through this. If you want to learn more about the best way to do so, then we encourage you to continue to educate yourself and browse the rest of our website.

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