Being falsely accused of a crime can have major ramifications on your life. This is especially true when it is a serious crime such as sexual assault.
Unfortunately, false accusations of sexual assault are not uncommon. Sometimes all it takes is someone’s word that an assault occurred to result in criminal charges.
Do not minimize the situation
First, understand the serious trouble you could be in. Do not underestimate the potential legal consequences of a sexual assault conviction and the impact on your life.
Once you are labeled as a sexual predator, this label will likely haunt you forever, particularly if the alleged victim is someone vulnerable, such as a child.
Even if you know the accusation is not true, do not assume that the charge will be dismissed or the truth will come out in the end. You must take the accusation seriously and prepare to defend yourself.
Document everything that happened
Next, write down a timeline of everything involving the alleged assault. Document every interaction with the alleged victim you can remember and detail what happened.
Start developing a witness list. Collect the contact information of everyone you believe could testify on your behalf and write a summary of their potential testimony.
Write down every potential witness, even if at first you do not believe they could be helpful. Witness testimony you believe is irrelevant could later turn out to be valuable.
Take advantage of scientific testing, such as DNA testing. You may need to pay for the testing, but the cost of a test is far less than the cost of a criminal conviction.
Exercise your right to remain silent
Finally, do not talk to anyone about the case, especially the alleged victim or the prosecutor. Their goal is often to take your words and use them against you.
This is understandably difficult, since you probably want nothing more than to tell your side of the story and clear your name. Stay quiet and never post anything about the situation on social media.